Originally posted on The Last Refuge:
The Survey USA Election Poll Shows:
Donald Trump 45%
Hillary Clinton 40%
The demographics within the POLL affirm the content of the people in the video (HatTip IAPTT):
- Donald Trump is doing exceedingly well among blacks with 25% (Historically Republicans normally get 10%) also with 16% undecided, Trump could break 30%.
- Trump is doing OK among Hispanics, far better than media is selling, with 30% supporting and 19% undecided; A generally fair expectation could get him to an outstanding 40%. (Romney got around 30%; G.W. Bush got around 40%)
- Hillary Clinton is dominating among the high school education or less group while Trump wins the 4-year college and above crowd.
- Donald Trump has a big lead among “political junkies” while Clinton does better with lower information voters. [Full Poll Data]
Basically this poll completely disproves the MSM/GOPe argument that Trump is a disaster for Republican chances…
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